Do you know Win10 has got utility to record steps when the problem occurred ?
Steps Recorder or Problem steps recorder, is a program that helps you troubleshoot a problem on your device by recording the exact steps you took when the problem occurred. You can then send this record to a support professional to help them diagnose the problem.
Following is how to invoke steps recorder :
- Open Steps Recorder, select the Start button, and then select Windows Accessories > Steps Recorder (in Windows 10), or Accessories > Problem Steps Recorder (in Windows 7 or Windows 8.1).
- Select Start Record.
- Go through the steps to reproduce the problem you’re trying to diagnose. You can pause and resume the recording at any time.
- As you record, select Add Comment, use your mouse to select the part of the screen that you want to comment on, type your comment, and then select OK.
- When you’re done, select Stop Record.
- Review the record of the steps you followed to make sure it shows what you want it to show. Select Save, name the .zip file, choose where to save it, and then select Save. Now you can attach and send this .zip file to the person helping you troubleshoot the problem on your PC. It can be viewed in any web browser.
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