How WordPress Plugin increases your blog traffic
If you don’t have enough traffic even if you have done good On-page and Off-page SEO then you might need to use a Plugin to increase your growth of the site. There are many Best WordPress Plugins that help users to increase the blog traffic. Most of you have this query that how the WordPress Plugins increases your blog traffic. The answer to this question is most of you don’t have enough time to code, write and analyze your content.
Even if you analyze your content by yourself you might not get the proper idea to optimize your blog find out errors in your blog. That’s where these Plugins help you to increases your blog traffic. There are many different ways to increase your website traffic which include Email Marketing, Social Media, and Backlink. Though, it might sound easy to use such ways to get visitors. The harder is it to do practically in your blog. So, in this article, we are going to discuss some o the best WordPress Plugins to Increase your Blog Traffic.
Best WordPress Plugins to get more traffic
There are lots of the Best WordPress Plugins in the market which can easily be installed and use in your blog. I have been using a lot of Plugins over the couple of years which has increased my ranking properly. So, in this article, we are going to discuss some of the popular Paid and Free WordPress Plugins that you can use in your blog to increase your Blog Traffic.
- Rank Math: Rank Math is one of the popular WordPress plugins which is one of the best Page optimization and On-page SEO plugins. I have been using these tools for a couple of years and still, I am using them. This Plugin has helped me a lot to optimize my content up to now. The best part of this Plugin is that it comes with the paid and free version. As they have promised to keep their free version for a lifetime you can use this tool for free without even paying a single penny. You can also go for their Paid version which comes with premium features. Believe me, I have been using their free version up to now and it has improved my blog traffic and ranking impressively. This is why this Plugin has remained my Best WordPress Plugin up to now.
- Optinmonster: Optinmonster is one of the popular Email Marketing tools which help you to convert your traffic into Email Subscribers. Most of your visitors never come back once they have visited your site. That’s why you can send email notifications regarding your latest blog and post which will increase your ranking and appearances in the search engine. The best part is that you don’t have to depend on Google to receive traffic you can easily get targeted traffic from your own Email subscribers. This is the Best WordPress Plugins if you are doing Affiliate Marketing as it has potential to reach targeted visitor which will increases you sales and can generate more revenue.
- Social Media Sliders: Social Media Sliders are getting so much popular these days in the popular blog which lets users share the post on social media including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Social media. Though there are a lot of Plugins that you can use on your site this Plugin has a different concept like sliding features that will motivate users to share. The main reason why this Plugin is getting popular is that it comes with an awesome UI and Button which is attractive in looks and users can easily share the post in their social media Feed. As you know social media has great potential to reach a larger audience than Google and you don’t need to have a good ranking for it. So, I would recommend this Plugin for every new Blogger and Website developer.
- Subscribe to Comments Reloaded: This Plugin is one of my Best WordPress Plugins which has a great concept to increase your ranking and traffic in the search engine. These tools let your commenter visit the website again with notification. As you can see a lot of comments on your site and what the users have experienced with your blogs. This tool lets you send notifications to all the users who have commented in your post. If any new users comment in your post these Plugins will send notifications about it leading to visitors visit your website again and in the meantime, you can also notify them about your latest post in the blog this will increase page visit time also.
- Revive Old Posts: There are many users who share their content once in their social media handle and leave it in their archive and focus on another article. To solve this problem, you can use Revive Old posts Plugin which helps you to share your old content in social media handles files sorting out as per your plan. You can let it on queue and let the Plugin share the content automatically on the social media handle. This is one of the Best WordPress Plugins that you can use on your blog to increase your ranking and traffic in your Website. Most of you don’t have enough time to share and look after the Old blog post so you might need this Plugin to improve your Ranking and Increase traffic in your Blog Post.
These are some of the Best WordPress Plugins which come with awesome features and Ideas which help you to get a good ranking and increase traffic in your Blog. Still, there are many such Plugin in the Market which you can use on your Blog but believe me these tools are enough to improve your traffic and ranking in the search engine. Besides this, if you have good email subscribers then you don’t even need Google for the traffic you can attract traffic from Email Subscribers easily. You can also use social media as your traffic sources if you have an awesome presence in your social media to generate traffic.

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