New technologies in education with values
The new educational technologies are a tool to strengthen teaching and learning, increase opportunities to access knowledge, develop collaborative skills or instill values, among others.
If there is something that has changed our lives and our habits in recent years, it has been the new technologies. The ways we shop, communicate and engage with each other are radically different than they were less than 20 years ago. And new technologies, despite the risks for children and the need for control by mothers and fathers, applied to education, have also changed the way in which it is taught and learned in the school. Do you want to know how they have influenced you?
To begin with, the teaching activity has changed with the use of the Internet or devices such as computers, mobile phones and tablets, so it is now possible to use other forms of education and different means of learning, which allow technology to focus on education towards teamwork, the critical capacity of students and the learning of values. We discover everything that puts us within our reach!
What are new technologies in education?
It is something very simple. It is nothing more than the use of ICT or information and communication technologies in the educational field. The objective of its use is to improve and favor both teaching and learning. We tell you how!
What characterizes them?
They combine particularities of information and communication technologies, such as speed or proximity, with those of teaching, such as learning or knowledge. Namely…
- They allow us to expand the areas of education beyond the traditional classroom.
- They enable new formulas for approaching the theoretical and practical parts of the subjects.
- They increase access to education and foster interactivity.
- They simplify the action of sharing educational materials or information, both for teachers and students.
- They invite you to continue learning and developing knowledge, or to improve your skills with extra content or digital books.
- They facilitate connection and participation between educational centers regardless of where they are located.
- They allow you to be up to date with data, figures and current news from around the world, and allow you to learn about other realities different from the environment in which you live.
The 5 new technologies in education. Get to know them!
We live in an increasingly technological world. The chalk and notebooks are giving way to new school supplies. And that is appreciated in the classroom. We will show you some examples of it.
Paper books are heavy, it is uncomfortable to transport them daily in backpacks. Furthermore, with the continuous advances, discoveries and frenetic pace of events they soon become outdated.
 Digital books avoid these problems, since it is possible to read them on different electronic devices and their contents can be quickly adapted based on the novel that comes out.
Smartphones and computers
Computers are not new and mobile phones are not usually welcome in classrooms. However, they are the ideal instrument for developing computational thinking in the classroom through programming and robotics. The National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training has the CodeEducaLab project to promote this skill within the educational community. Meet him!
 MOOC courses
These are the Massive Open On-line Courses, which contribute to many more people being able to access training and reduce the educational gap due to their characteristics: they are free, collective, allow students to freely access the content and do not require proof of access.
Online learning
The well-known online learning or e-learning is something similar to the above, since it also promotes access to education through the network, but in this case it is based on a teaching model where there is permanent communication and interaction between the teachers and students.
WhatsApp groups
In many schools it is common for parents to have this type of group. They allow you to be in contact with the educational center and stay up to date on all matters: cafeteria, extracurricular activities, excursions… or even student absenteeism!
What do new technologies contribute to education?
Values ​​such as solidarity, respect or equality can be promoted through new technologies in education. Let’s see how.
Access to knowledge
Years ago we went to school with books that we had to buy, and now this pedagogical resource is combined with the use of information that can be obtained through the Internet, which makes access to knowledge easier for all students. boys and girls.
Development of the critical sense
However, the consequence of democratization in access to information has its risks, since there is a large amount of data that has an unknown or unreliable origin, so it is important that children learn to filter and use it. your critical sense to distinguish the information that really has value.
Own initiative
Critical capacity must be combined with another important value for today’s society, self-initiative, that is, the ability to create projects and carry them out with the knowledge acquired. We will be creating proactive and responsible adults!
The collaboration
Along with solidarity, these are values ​​that are fostered with new technologies, since information is shared, virtual working groups and forums are created where questions and answers are raised to learn together.
The role of the teacher
Their role in the classroom also changes due to the application of new technologies in education, since their work will aim at teamwork, encouraging the participation of all students, posing problems so that Discussions arise about possible solutions or the inclusion of students in making important decisions in the class.
The tolerance
The teamwork that is fostered with new technologies contributes to the dissemination of another fundamental value in today’s society, which is tolerance. When students work in groups and collaborate, an environment is created in which they learn to understand, respect and tolerate different opinions, as a source of debate in which each and every one of the people involved learns.

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