Secure your Web browsing using Bitdefender TrafficLight
Bitdefender TrafficLight is a free add-on that provides a strong and non-intrusive layer of security to your web browsing experience.
Once TrafficLight Browser add on is installed and its icon appears to the right of the address bar, you browse the web as usual. Green light display on TrafficLight is to indicate that the current site is entirely safe. If you do need any feedback, clicking the button displays a panel with TrafficLight’s verdict on the current page.
Same icon would be displayed on your search engine results as well, be it either Twitter or Facebook feeds, this lets you know which links are safe to visit, and not.
TrafficLight also analyses the pages you visit in real-time, to protect you from the latest threats. It uses Advanced Phishing Filter which will scan the pages for phishing attempts, while an Antifraud Filter protects against fraudulent websites or targeted scams.
Key Features :
- Advanced malware filter & Protection against phishing attacks: TrafficLight examines and blocks the pages you visit for malware and phishing attempts each and every time you access them.
- Be always informed about malware and fraudulent websites within your search results.
- Shows you which pages intercept this type of code snippets that are included in website pages, and lists them.
Download: Chrome | Firefox | Safari
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